Sunday, December 29, 2013

My Cat Sniffles

I wish I had the life of my cat Sniffles.  She gets to sleep all day and occasionally wakes-up to eat and yet... she still has the physic and strength of a cheetah.  I love my cat as if she were my child.  She knows when I am down and when I'm up better than any dog could.  My cat Sniffles.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Here Goes Nothing

This is my first official post on my new blog.  As many know who have dp (my abbreviation for depression), we don't have a lot of energy and we sometimes live in our heads too.  I'm going to attempt to keep this as a journal of my dp and also my spd (again - my abbreviation for skin picking disorder).  I don't have a lot of time right now and my blog doesn't look like I want it too, but I'll sneak in when I can to make it look better.  In my mind, I'm funny as all get out - and too my peers (that have nooooo idea of my situation) I'm high-lair-ious!  But I guess we'll really find out.  Okay... this is alll the time I'm allowing myself for right now.  I'll try to come back on tomorrow to give a brief description of myself.  Toodles!